Office Ergonomics by Karl H.E. Kroemer
Office Ergonomics by Karl H.E. Kroemer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Office workers form a large and growing proportion of the workforce, especially with the growth of the service sector. Almost all of us work in computerised offices, and have become strongly attached to these machines. We wish to be productive and successful, satisfied with our work, get along with our fellow workers; we do not want to suffer aches in wrists, shoulders or back, or any headaches.This is a practical book, but it is based on sound theory and research. It is written for the practitioner: the office manager, the equipment purchaser, the designer and architect and especially for the individual office worker, for you and me who operate keyboards, check and make files, phone and fax, sit and stand, write and read, who discuss and evaluate , and prepare for decisions. We need to know how to set up the office, how to select and arrange our equipment and furniture, how to organise and pace our work. We need to perform 'at ease and efficiently', which is the motto of ergonomics
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