If I could only draw, and knew how to paint: (An old-school love story with lots of sex) by Metasebia Seifu
If I could only draw, and knew how to paint: (An old-school love story with lots of sex) by Metasebia Seifu PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The title of the story is taken from Jerome K. Jerome's "Three men in a Boat [to say nothing of the dog]" (Published in 1889, by J. W. Arrowsmith): "If I could only draw, and knew how to paint, I could make a lovely sketch of that old wall, I'm sure. I’ve often thought I should like to live at Hampton Court. It looks so peaceful and so quiet, and it is such a dear old place to ramble round in the early morning before many people are about. But, there, I don’t suppose I should really care for it when it came to actual practice. It would be so ghastly dull and depressing in the evening, when your lamp cast uncanny shadows on the panelled walls, and the echo of distant feet rang through the cold stone corridors, and now drew nearer, and now died away, and all was death-like silence, save the beating of one’s own heart". This is the story of Metssebia Seifu, an emotionally crippled, "Hampton Court, USA" resident, Ethiopian-American whose life revolves around answering the one important question: what to do after work.From reader reviews:
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