Senin, 28 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Jungle Fever (Project Nemesis) (Volume 2) by Celeste Anwar

Jungle Fever (Project Nemesis) (Volume 2) by Celeste Anwar

Jungle Fever (Project Nemesis) (Volume 2)

Jungle Fever (Project Nemesis) (Volume 2) by Celeste Anwar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Yvonne Jackson was at the top of her field. As a hunter/tracker, she’d never failed to catch her quarry--outlaw or animal--once she’d set her mind to it. But with the IRS breathing down her back for taxes her scumball ex-husband had dumped on her, she was in over her head and desperate to avoid going to jail, without any hope of ever making a clean start for herself with a $300,000 tax bill hanging over her head. So when a government agent offered a way out of her predicament, she jumped at the chance. The assignment was simple: locate and track a genetically altered pack of wildcats that had been intentionally released by internal saboteurs. Yvonne had an elite team under her command, weapons, tranquilizers, the latest in computer and espionage technology … and a special pheromone--developed specifically by the government before the cats had escaped--that should draw the animals straight to her. They hadn’t had time to test it before, but with her skills, they were confident she would succeed in rounding up the beasts. Piece of cake. What she didn’t realize going in, was that she wasn’t hunting animals, but something else. Something science should never have been able to create. Animals couldn’t hide their tracks like this. Animals couldn’t be this intelligent, this adaptive. And the pheromone, which should have been a godsend, which should have made her mission ridiculously simple, didn’t just draw them in. It drove them completely insane with lust … for her. RATING: Mid-length novel: 50,000 words. Written for adults only. Interracial sex with mixed heritage, black heroine who knows how to enjoy herself. Contains violence, adult language and sexual situations, multiple partners/heroes, anal play, oral sex, sex with multiple heroes at one time. Does not contain forced seduction or rape, but does contain lots of hot sex between consenting adults and shape-shifter heroes.

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