Senin, 07 September 2015

PDF⋙ Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer

Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer

Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology)

Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This timely volume gives readers a robust framework and innovative tools for incorporating clients' unique cultural variables in counseling and therapy. Its chapters identify cultural, societal, and worldview-based contexts for understanding clients, from the relatively familiar (ethnicity, gender, age) to the less explored (migration status, social privilege, geographic environment). Diverse cases illustrate how cultural assessments contribute to building the therapeutic relationship and developing interventions that respect client individuality as well as group identity. In these pages, clinicians are offered effective strategies for conducting more relevant and meaningful therapy, resulting in better outcomes for client populations that have traditionally been marginalized and underserved. The appendices include the Scale to Assess Worldview© (Ibrahim & Kahn, 1984), The Acculturation Index© (Ibrahim, 2008), and the Cultural Identity Check List-Revised© (Ibrahim, 2007).

Among the topics covered: 

  • Cultural identity: components and assessment.
  • Worldview: implications for culturally responsive and ethical practice.
  • Understanding acculturation and its use in counseling and psychotherapy.
  • Social justice variables critical for conducting counseling and psychotherapy.
  • Immigrants: identity development and counseling issues.
  • Designing interventions using the social justice and cultural responsiveness model.

Cultural and Social Justice Counseling is a profound source of knowledge for clinicians and students in mental health fields (counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers) who are working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds, including those working in international settings, with clients across cultures, and with sojourners to the US.

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Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer Doc

Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer Mobipocket
Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions (International and Cultural Psychology) by Farah A. Ibrahim, Jianna R. Heuer EPub

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