The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-1957: Community or Alliance? by John C. Milloy
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-1957: Community or Alliance? by John C. Milloy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Milloy challenges the view that creating greater alliance unity has usually been only a Canadian preoccupation - other members, notably the United States and Britain, displayed a sincere interest as well - and further suggests that Canadian actions sometimes acted as an impediment. He argues that the idea failed partly because the lack of an agreed-upon definition for NATO's non-military potential hampered focused discussion. With NATO facing a post-9/11 relevancy crisis, Milloy shows that there are parallels to the inter-alliance struggles of the 1950s and that many of the early frustrations and obstacles are still present.From reader reviews:
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