Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Phoenix Press) by Andrew Roberts

Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Phoenix Press) by Andrew Roberts

Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Phoenix Press)

Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Phoenix Press) by Andrew Roberts PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

At six years of age, Robert Cecil, the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, was sent to a brutal boarding school he likened to “an existence among devils.” By 23, he was a member of the British Parliament. And before his death at age 73 in 1903, he would spend nearly two decades as Britain’s Prime Minister, single-mindedly driving the British Empire to extend its iron grip to five continents. This multiple award-winning biography sheds uncompromising light on Lord Salisbury’s troubled family life, his transformational experiences in Australia, India, and Africa, and his dogged pursuit of political power in the court of Queen Victoria.

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