Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Understanding Homicide by Fiona Brookman

Understanding Homicide by Fiona Brookman

Understanding Homicide

Understanding Homicide by Fiona Brookman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Understanding Homicide is a comprehensive and challenging text unravelling the phenomenon of homicide. The author combines original analysis with a lucid overview of the key theories and debates in the study of homicide and violence. In introducing the broad spectrum of different features, aspects and forms of homicide, Fiona Brookman examines its patterns and trends, how it may be explained, its investigation and how it may be prevented.  The book is unique in its focus, coverage, and style and bridges a major gap in criminological literature. While focused in several respects upon the UK experience of homicide, the text necessarily draws upon and makes a significant contribution to international literature, research and debate.


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