Disciples: Reclaiming Our Identity, Reforming Our Practice by Dr. Jan Linn, Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon
Disciples: Reclaiming Our Identity, Reforming Our Practice by Dr. Jan Linn, Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Respected Disciples Michael Kinnamon and Jan Linn propose reclaiming the Disciples movement's identity in a way that encourages reform of worship, relationships, and mission. With praise for the founding leaders' willingness "to follow their vision of what it meant to be church in their own time in history," the authors call on the denomination to do the same today, not in order to survive as an institution, but in order to enhance the church's participation in God's mission of peacemaking and compassionate service. Kinnamon and Linn explore the Disciples' historic commitment to covenant and claim that heritage as a tool for addressing current issues such as money, minister licensing, homosexuality, the future of seminaries, and more.From reader reviews:
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