The Psychology of Music, Third Edition (Cognition and Perception)
The Psychology of Music, Third Edition (Cognition and Perception) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Psychology of Music serves as an introduction to an interdisciplinary field in psychology, which focuses on the interpretation of music through mental function. This interpretation leads to the characterization of music through perceiving, remembering, creating, performing, and responding to music.In particular, the book provides an overview of the perception of musical tones by discussing different sound characteristics, like loudness, pitch and timbre, together with interaction between these attributes. It also discusses the effect of computer resources on the psychological study of music through computational modeling. In this way, models of pitch perception, grouping and voice separation, and harmonic analysis were developed. The book further discusses musical development in social and emotional contexts, and it presents ways that music training can enhance the singing ability of an individual.
The book can be used as a reference source for perceptual and cognitive psychologists, neuroscientists, and musicians. It can also serve as a textbook for advanced courses in the psychological study of music.
- Encompasses the way the brain perceives, remembers, creates, and performs music
- Contributions from the top international researchers in perception and cognition of music
- Designed for use as a textbook for advanced courses in psychology of music
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