Engaging Eager and Reluctant Learners: STEM Learning in Action by Dennis Adams, Mary Hamm
Engaging Eager and Reluctant Learners: STEM Learning in Action by Dennis Adams, Mary Hamm PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book will help educators design STEM programs and lessons that foster teamwork and thinking while getting students actively involved in their own learning. There are many practical ideas and lesson plans that will help teachers reach both eager and reluctant learners. The suggestions for STEM curriculum and instruction are research based and standards driven. This book looks at collaborative learning, differentiation, and diversity all the while building instruction in the STEM subjects and good hands-on materials. This is done in a way that is designed to help every student feel successful and part of the class as a whole. It shows a deep respect for the unique relationship between teachers and their students as they try to navigate their way into the future. Suggestions are designed to help learners question, analyze, interpret, problem solve, and discover. The STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math are essential to understanding the world of today and the world of tomorrow. The authors view is that it takes more than innovation alone; for innovation to be useful, products of the imagination must be arranged in ways that allow them to be used to solve real world problems.From reader reviews:
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