Senin, 29 September 2014

PDF⋙ VJ (includes DVD): Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture by D-Fuse

VJ (includes DVD): Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture by D-Fuse

VJ (includes DVD): Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture

VJ (includes DVD): Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture by D-Fuse PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A major change has taken place at dance clubs worldwide: the advent of the VJ. Once the term referred to the video jockey who introduced music videos on MTV, but now it defines an artist who creates and mixes video, live and synced to music, in clubs or at concerts. This book is an in-depth look at the artists at the forefront of this amazing audio-visual experience. The book combines how-to, showcase and reference elements, opening with a series of articles on contextual and historical issues. The central section showcases the work of a wide selection of international VJs, and the last chapter covers equipment (hardware and software) and typical stage set-ups (explaining equipment, the use of space, how to create an environment to suit an audience, and more) along with supplementary guidelines and tips on how to master a performance.

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