Lone Wolf and Cub 19: The Moon in Our Hearts by Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima, Kazuo Koike
Lone Wolf and Cub 19: The Moon in Our Hearts by Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima, Kazuo Koike PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Eisner and Harvey Award-winning series continues! The time for delay is past. Itto Ogami and Daigoro are headed for Edo, to face Retsudo of the Yagyu once and for all! Stalked by bounty hunters and killers after their reward money, the Lone Wolf now faces deadlier enemies still. Retsudo has called out the nation's most accomplished rifleman, and dispatched a cannon-laden man of war, to intercept the father and son as they navigate treacherous cliffs and the high seas of Japan!From reader reviews:
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